9/13 Soybean Update

Soybean Update:


We can see soybeans changing more and more each day.  It’s amazing how much they’ve changed just in the last 4 days.  Good news, some of the soybeans in the plot that were lodged have started to lose their leaves and they are more upright now than they were last week.  I’m not sure they will all do this (some of them are FLAT), but its good to see a few of them come off the ground.  The new 1.8 maturity E3 soybean is coming on quickly, as a rule the E3 soybeans are about 1-2 maturity points earlier than the Xtend soybeans with similar maturity ratings.  We will see how this translates to yield – will the greener soybeans take advantage of a longer fill period and add yield, or will they just have tougher stems and a longer harvest window?