8/9 Pest & Digital Update

Pest Update:


Waterhemp in corn and soybeans.  Volunteer corn in the soybeans. Giant ragweed in corn and soybeans.  The list goes on and on.  Residual programs struggled to become activated with the lack of rainfall after application.  We did a good job controlling the emerged weeds, but we struggled to keep the second, third, and later flushes from coming up.  The soybeans will stop growing now at R5.5 – that means the waterhemp that has been hiding just at plant level will start to grow above the canopy.  The good looking fields might start to show escapes, and the fields already showing weeds will start to show more.  Think about the plan you used in 2021, and evaluate how you can make it better in 2022.  Assume chemical programs, like other things, will cost more.  But how much is a “cheap” program costing you now with weed escapes.


Digital Update:


The clear skies have given us some really good images to look at on granular insights again.  We can start to see row width differences, hybrid differences, and other patterns starting to show up more clearly now.


The yield estimation app is getting my attention more now.  There are some helpful tips below in the agronomist notes.


ProFarmer Crop Tour ends in Rochester, MN on August 19th (next Thursday).  If you would like tickets to attend, let us know as soon as possible.  We have a limited number of tickets and must give back any we don’t give away!  You need a ticket from us or to register online and pay the $40 entry fee.  This is different than past years.

You can also register online to watch it free via live stream instead of being there in person.