7/19 Weather Update

Weather Update:

GDU’s since planting: 1401
Vs. 20-year average: +97 (about 4 days ahead of normal now, we lost some ground)
Vs. last year on this date: 1471

Rainfall since planting: 10.07”
Vs. 20-year average: -4.37”
Vs. last year on this date: 15.32” (we were right at / slightly above average last year at tassel)

The estimated black layer date for P9772AM planted 4/27 is 9/14 (the 5/10 update said 9/23, we’ve gained 9 days this growing season)

We haven’t sent this chart in a few weeks, so here is an update – NE IA continues to be drier than normal. We are the 101st driest out of 129 years. However, the most surprising thing I noticed on this chart is that the rest of the corn belt states are wetter than normal to the south and east.

The temperature map shows almost an exactly similar pattern. Again, the warm and dry areas are contrasted by the cooler and wetter parts of the corn belt.

What does this mean? : Elwynn Taylor had a chart showing how we get the highest corn yields. July needs to have below-normal temps and above-normal precipitation to have “a higher chance for above trendline yields.”

Are we in trouble? : Not yet, but this crop isn’t made yet.