Weather Update:
GDU since 4/26 planting: 1269
Vs. 20 year average: +125 (about 6 days ahead of schedule)
Vs. last year on this date: 1327 (we are about 3 days behind last year)
Rainfall since planting: 8.51”
Vs. 20 year average: -4.7’ (think about that, we only have 64% of our normal rainfall)
Vs. last year on this date: 14.2”
Comparing this year to last year on monthly rainfall:
April – 1.05” LY; 0.34” TY
May – 4.49” LY; 3.84” TY
June – 6.82” LY; 3.92” TY
July 12 – 2.87” LY; 1.10” TY
As you can see, last year June was the month we gained a lot of subsoil moisture. We talked about how dry the soil was as we entered the spring, but it normally doesn’t take much to make us “too wet” again. We just haven’t had that long soaking rain. When a 2” or 3” rain disappears without puddles, you know the soil is dry.